Mar 10, 2010

What do you know about time travel?

Algunas grandes respuestas (via

Kojii (Model/Actress/Musician) <3
oh! I'm an expert. I learned everything I know from Dr. Sam Beckett.
Ahhh "Quantum Leap" how I loved you!

Bethany (Writer/Co-Host of Geronimo Jack’s Beard Podcast with Jorge Garcia)
Nothing. It's too confusing for me honestly. I barely understand Back to the Future.

Cathy (Record Label and Management Company Sargent House)
A lot. It takes time to travel well.

Gee-oh-vah-knee (Fellow time traveler)
I know that I have to make build a flux capacitor which is what makes time travel possible.

Patrick (Bro)
where we are going we don't need roads

Pogo (Will design for food)
De poco a nada, sólo sé que en mi caso particular existen olores y objetos que logran que recuerde cosas que sin ellos nunca hubiera recordado.

Ms. Penchenski (Beach House/Tish fan)
Not much, although I wish I knew more! I think Jacob has actually acquired more knowledge of that topic simply through reading science-fiction! I really think it is such an interesting topic, ad is space travel, perhaps even moreso!

Dante (Melómano)
A veces me pongo a pensar y me vienen a la mente tantos tipos de paradojas que me parece imposible... que pasaria si alguien viajara al pasado? Cambiaria el futuro o crearia un bifurcacion? Como mierda haria para volver? Y si viajas al futuro es mas complicado pensarlo, porque se supone que en ese futuro ya viajaste a esa epoca en el pasado... mucho quilombo. Mejor tratar de no meter la pata en el presente.

What do YOU know about time travel?

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